59 years

Mum and Dad have been married 59 years today. I'm in awe. That's a huge amount of tolerance, love and forgiveness.

I spoke to Mum last night and asked her what she was doing 59 years ago. She was pretty sure she was at the hair dressers. "I didn't like it, it was too stiff". She looks absolutely beautiful. I remember putting her wedding dress on and walking through the garden on their 25th wedding anniversary.

The day before their wedding Dad and Granddad were working on the little A30 car they drove to the South Island on their honey moon.

At some point today they will have watched a DVD of their wedding movie. It's a real slice of family history now. Tonight they've gone out to to dinner to celebrate.

A handsome couple I think you'll agree. Still in love, still devoted, still enjoying each other's company.

(Their wedding photos were taken in Cornwall Park beneath One Tree Hill iin Auckland).

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