Fi's Foibles

By purpleicious


I'd never seen anything like this bird before, but my handy 'Lomond Guide to Birds' (which sits beside my bed at all times) tells me that it's a goldfinch - yes, I wondered where the 'gold' came into it too, but from side view there is a tiny splash of gold in the folded wing feathers. Anyway, I was delighted when a pair of them first turned up a few weeks ago, as we'd put the nyjer seed feeder in the autumn & were beginning to wonder if anything was ever going to feed from it.
I've been trying to get a decent photo of him for ages, but he's so nervy that he just can't keep still for a second: every mealtime is a case of peck-swivel-peck- swivel- peck ?. it's a wonder he doesn't get indigestion! There were originally two of them that used to come together: they'd sit on the perches facing opposite ways so that I'd get the tail view of one & face view of the other, & appeared to synchronise the peck-swivel movement so that one was always on watch, but for the past few days there's just been a solitary diner; oh dear, I do hope his mate is ok? Hopefully she is simply sitting in the nest, which means that there should be some babies along soon.

I've managed to fail already with my 365 target, due to temporarily losing the use of my limbs yesterday afternoon. Scary stuff! I'm used to it happening with my legs, & have had random numbness and/or weakness in my hands before, but it's never lasted as long as it did yesterday, & never affected both arms as well ? but the worst of it was that before it happened I'd dozed off whilst watching Countdown on TV, & when I awoke Noel Edmonds was blaring out (I swear there is some unwritten law which says the tackier the programme the louder it must be transmitted), but of course I couldn't use the remote to turn it off or down, couldn't even operate my emergency buzzer, & the TV was so loud that hubby couldn't hear me calling him - I was trapped in a nightmare of the worst of daytime TV! Luckily he did eventually remember that I existed (came in to offer me a cuppa actually), & some massage eventually helped to bring the errant limbs back to life; but photography was definitely off the cards for the rest of the afternoon & evening. I'm seeing my new neurologist (a professor, no less!) next week, so will wait to see what he has to say about this new symptom.

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