Living in Manchester

By Theboysmum

Park Hospital

or Trafford General as it is now called, where I had an appointment this morning.
Originally the clock tower flanked by the wings of the hospital on either side made an imposing view from the road. Now thi sview is all but obscured by new buildings.
Park is a very special hospital. it was officially opened in June 1929.
On 5th July 1948 the then Health Minister Anuerin 'Nye' Bevan arrived to inaugurate the NHS by symbolically receiving the keys from Lancashire County County. Nurses formed a 'guard of honour' outside the hospital to meet him. The National Health Service was born and, from that day forward, the healthcare of the nation changed forever.

Sylvia Diggory (nee Beckingham) became the first NHS patient - she was 13. Before she died, Sylvia said: "Mr Bevan asked me if I understood the significance of the occasion and told me that it was a milestone in history - the most civilised step any country had ever taken, and a day I would remember for the rest of my life - and of course, he was right."

I and many people I know have worked at Trafford General. Two of my boys have had operations there. I have been treated following a mini stroke and they fixed my broken foot. Both myself and #3boy have had physio there. We are lucky to live so close to such a historic hospital

Coming from a family of nurses the NHS is close to my heart.
Today health service workers protested at Westminster against the governments Health and Social Care Bill.

I have to say 'BACK OFF TORIES'

The NHS is a hard won resourse of which we are justly proud. We will not see it dimantled without a struggle.

Rant over

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