Life, not as we see it.


The only way to travel?

The above load was being hauled by one of the ubiquitous 110cc scooters, and was by no means the largest such load we have seen.

For some reason yesterday's Blip was not posted. I think perhaps it was because I used an anotomical sweary word to describe some Canadian & German gentlefolk, sitting at the hotel bar cracking stupid jokes about a Scotsman and a sheep. Silly sods obviously didn't know that that was really a Welshman. ;-)

Late blip for Thursday:- 9 hour bus (singular) journey again became 13 hours and 3 buses. As previous excursions, a bit traumatic - whilst overtaking a truck which was overtaking a moto, we met a cow, crossing the road. There were a few gasps from fellow passengers, a thump from the cow, and on we went.

Later drove for 30 kms in torrential rain on a UK "C" class road into oncoming traffic. OK you might think, but this was with the driver's side windscreen wiper wheeching away furiously somewhere below the windscreen, which was severely cracked right in the driver's line of sight. Just as well he, the driver, had been to Temple recently.

Arrived at Vanna Hill Resort, Kep, on the southermost point of Cambodia's coast and settled in to the bar for a few Angkors. These are similar to Tigers, but with fewer stripes. Listened to the humour of some other guests as mentioned above. Restrained by my GLW, who said I was not allowed to start another SE Asia war.
Planning a day by the pool for Friday. Will be in touch.

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