A year of adventure

By sjones

Days 77, 78 & 79

Wednesday 21st December:
I got up early this morning and went with William to dart Sable on a nearby reserve. It was really interesting as we used drontal (a dog wormer) to treat them for tapeworm as one of the ones we had to dart was very thin. Then we had to dart and load another for transportation to another reserve as it was being sold and then move a final sable as well. It took a long time as we had to wait for the people to arrive to load the sable onto their vehicle.
When we got back I had a phone call from my Grandpa to say that he had arrived, so i messaged will to see if he needed me for meetings this afternoon and he didn't so I went over to see Grandpa. It was nice to see him and to catch up a bit. Then I had to come back over because he needed to get ready for dinner and then on the way back along the Karel Landman the whole family herd of elephants were stood. So I had to wait for them to get out of the way before I could get back to the club. It was the social sports evening so we were over at the club for a hile, but it didn't finish late so we came back had some supper and went to bed.

Thursday 22nd December:
We did work all day today and then this evening we went through to Paterson for a few drinks in the evening with Jana. Werner came over and met us as well. It was good fun, we left fairly late and drove back, dropped Jana off at Kraiibos and then came back to our house. Werner came back too for a little bit and had food with us. We didn't get around to eating dinner so it was about 2am by the time we ate. Then Stacey and I chatted for a little bit and went to bed.

Friday 23rd December:
I worked this morning with Stacey and then Mum and Dad arrived just after lunchtime so I quickly7 packed my bag and drove over to Bukela to see them. It was very exciting to see them again and to catch up on life. The boys disappeared off and came back with something hidden behind their backs and said, one word each at a time, 'We. Have. Bought. You. An. Enagagement. Rooster.' It was the funniest thing I have ever heard. Then the boys showed me our room and everything and I sat and chatted over things with mum, a lot of wedding type things too. We went out on night drive, which was very exciting as I had never been on a proper night drive before, we went out for about an hour last time we were here and all we saw were spring hares, but this time we saw lots of things, including a couple of hyena. Then we came home and went to bed. The boys were busy talking rubbish and giving me a rendition of the speech they intend to make at my wedding, one word each, which resulted in some interesting sentances.

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