
By D77

Black and White

One hundred and eighty students arrived at the college today for the second batch of placement tests which will determine which class they will go into for the duration of the foundation year for the International Tourism Management Diploma.

There will be fourteen classes of around twenty-two students. In the world of ESL teaching, twenty-two is six too many and as such, it becomes impossible to focus on individuals. Classroom management can also be tricky, especially with the boys who are quite immature out here, even at age 18.

Generally, the standard of student we receive is quite low as we accept those that the other universities and colleges don't once the school results are in. Many of the really low standard students (by which I mean they have no English, no study skills and no motivation) come from the villages dotted around Oman. Our college gives them a chance they won't find elsewhere to get a job first and foremost, the bonus being that the job is part of the rapidly growing tourism industry. Teaching these students can be very rewarding but more often than not, it's just plain frustrating.

Teacher: 'Name a country outside Oman'
Student: ...
(translated as - 'There are countries outside Oman?!')

Students like this tend to end up doing professional courses such as catering and housekeeping as their marks are too low for the diploma course.

At the opposite end of the scale however, are the intelligent, motivated charming students who are an absolute joy to teach. These are the ones that do very well in the placement test and generally have a much higher chance of gaining entry to the diploma course after the foundation year.

The girl at the front of the picture did very well today. Sometimes, you can just tell...

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