
The local shop which burnt down is open again ...... well it has opened in what had been a chinese restaraunt almost next door.

These balloons used to be the arch at the entrance but the wind got the better of them.

SWMBO and I took the Cygnet to feed the ducks this morning.
The fleet was in though and they started to get a bit over eager for their share.
They managed to take some of the bread out of the Cygnets hand on a couple of occations. Despite his fingers being on the wrong side of the gums he didn't seem to be too bothered although about 2 seconds after the second incident/occation/theft he went "ooh" which was quite funny.
After the bread was finished we got this from them which I thought was a touch rude. Especially as we had also fed them some grain which one of the Rangers had given us.

You need to be careful leaving the car park on foot .............. the new wildlife might get you.

This evening I was all alone while SWMBO went out to some 'party' that will no doubt empty the wallet - so I spent the time mounting some pictures to be handed in on Monday for the next competition.

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