Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Busy Pollinator

My mother has just informed me this is a Japanese Windflower. We have heaps of them around the garden, and they're rather lovely (tend to the rampant though...). There was a bee buzzing about some of them this morning, so I grabbed the camera and went clickclickclick. I actually used a combination of the focus ring and my head to focus ;-) Once I had it pretty well focused, I moved my head (and thus the camera) back and forth slightly until it was as sharp as I could get it.

I'm rather pleased by the result, and the details in the flower do reward a closer look.

I've just been looking back through my recent blips, and I do think the Pentax lens lends a certain quality that the standard Lumix one just doesn't. So I'm very happy with it. 8)

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