midwife crisis

By lulubelle

what no MAMIL's?

I walked on the foreshore beach this afternoon once it had started to brighten up and watched the last few Schull Duathlon entries come through the finish (5km run, 17km cycle and then 3 km run). What an impressive range of shapes, sizes and fitness, all clad in various luminous lycra! Hubs marshalled for the event and there is big talk about joining......him that is, definitely NOT me. I was too late to get group shots of all the MAMIL's (middle aged men in lycra), so I scrambled about on the beach watching the seaweed and kelp sloshing about, not a sea otter or seal in sight. They do their underwater synchronised swimming on Saturdays.

Not feeling quite 100% today, so quiet day looking at possible holiday destinations for some summer sun, La Gormera looking like a possible option.

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