The Angus Inn

By angus_inn

Always nice to come back to your car to find it partially buried by a landslip but that's winter in hilly Wellington where slips have been happening a lot especially as it's been a very wet last couple of months.

Earlier in the day my wife was actually driving down this road and had to stop behind this car to allow the oncoming traffic past (yes, its a 2 lane road but cars are allowed to park on one side thus making it pretty much single lane most of the way) when the slip was in progress. The driver of the car she was letting past slowed right down to have a good rubber neck not noticing the imminent danger to my wife, child and car of the ever growing slip - needless to say, my wife let go with a volley of abuse that would even have made Billy Connolly wince and the daft bint eventually got the message and moved the feck out of the way - bloody rubber neckers!! Mind you, we've all done it...

Go on Mrs G!!

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