
By MaybeDailyBob

Donnington Castle

Well they promised sun after the mist cleared. Where I was the mist did not burn off, it cleared a bit but no sun.
Donnington Castle dates back to 1287. Fortified from 1386 it was fought over during the English civil war. It was taken by the royalists in 1643 and between 1644 and 1646 it was attacked on many occasions by the parliamentarians. It was surrendered only when royalist defeat became obvious. Parliament voted to demolish the badly damaged castle and only the gate house was left standing.
The castle overlooks the Lambourn Valley which is something for another day when the sun comes out.
The odd angle is because this is taken through the gate and is the ceiling in the gatehouse. It gives an idea of wealth of the family that built it all those years ago and the skill of the builders.

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