People on a Bridge

By zerohour

Omnious Heavens

The sky looked positively bizarre at sunset today. While it provided a feast for the eyes, it had me worried. Funky skies are often not a good thing in the middle of the tornado season. Fortunately, all looks safe at the moment.

I keep thinking about a saying I read somewhere: "the words of the tongue should have three gate keepers: is it true? is it kind? is it necessary?" It is on my mind as I digest Brene Brown's book on Wholehearted living.

When I was a teenager, I associated quick tongue with quick wits and abstract sense of humor, and often confused malice (sarcasm, gossip, and lashon hara or Hebrew true but evil tongue) with worldliness or life wisdom.

These days I am very turned off by people who say mean things: to me, about me, about others. I try to control what comes out of my mouth; having Little Man about is a great reason to do so. I have a short fuse, and it is an effort to not walk around spewing "what an ass/jerk/idiot" left and right on some days. But I will give it a wholehearted try, because if I am so turned off by people who say unkind things, chances are I offend others out there just as much.

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