The Wren

By TheWren

Bathed in light

A busy day!

The entire art class was on duty at the normal venue at 9am this morning to help set up the room for our annual art exhibition and coffee morning. People scurrying about everywhere, setting up tables for the easels and boards to display the various paintings, putting tablecloths and posies of flowers on others so folk could enjoy their cuppy and home baking in comfort and putting out all the cards on a large table. (The cards are all printed from scans or photographs of original paintings completed by the art group over the years and are therefore pretty exclusive.) The ladies in the kitchen were busy preparing tea and coffee and the plates of home baking that came out of the kitchen were very tempting as we busied ourselves to ensure everything was ready for 10am. I don't know yet how many folk came to enjoy the event but it was very busy right until we finished just after 3pm. There was a very lively buzz during the entire day, which was great to be part of, and the hours subsequently passed incredibly quickly. I haven't tallied everything up but it looks as if we sold in the region of 135 cards and 3 or 4 paintings, including one of mine!

I had made a quick dash home at mid-day to let the dogs out but they were especially thrilled when I finally arrived home in the afternoon and immediately prepared to get ready to take them out. The day was still fairly warm and I opted for the moor where they could have a really good run around. Furthermore I was able to relax, fill my lungs with fresh air and soak up the panorama as the evening light caught the surrounding fields and trees, bathing them in a golden light. This lone larch caught my eye in particular and I decided to post it as my blip to remind me how wonderful it felt to out in the open after such a successful day, on yet another glorious sunny day in March!

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