
For today's blip you need to adopt an Attenboroughesque voice.

" If I had been standing here 12 months ago, I would have been up to my waist in pond water surrounded by a frenzy of fornicating frogs. "

This deep clay pit, next to my cottage, usually fills with water in the late autumn, and remains a viable habitat for frogs from the spawning stage until they have left the water as small hoppers. It then dries out in the summer.
This winter it has had no water at all.

My dilemma of course is, that if there are no new frogs to kiss, what chance do I have of ever finding my Prince?

On a more serious note (ooh get me!) This is a clear example of the severity of the drought in the South East, and an environmental disaster for the frogs that return to the place of their birth year after year.

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