will it go round in...

By simonzebu


I love this time of year and not only for the peace and quiet due to C being in NY ;-)

Mostly I love the view through the house to the blossoming cherry plum in the garden.

I took a few shots before realising that I would have to use HDR treatment due to the 6 stop difference between foreground and background. I am not fond of HDR normally as it tends to reduce the dynamic range too much and end up looking like a bad painting but in this case photoshop seems to have got it right.

I only just happened across Stewart Bremner's wonderful journal today. Apart from being wonderful, he had put this link there yesterday. Worth a laugh.

Misty moisty morning at the Bench 225

The grumpiness was aimed at the cyclist who had just hurtled past at about 25mph.

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