No 108: Raven

It's been ages since I did no.107 - November in fact, but of course the more I blip, the fewer it leaves to blip. This raven, one of three I saw together is also a "lifer". I've probably seen them before, in this location even, but have never really paid attention and would struggle to distinguish it from a crow. However, I was watching out for them yesterday and 2 things made me confident to ID this as a raven: firstly, the diamond-shaped tail, which is not especially clear on this shot, but is more so on another even worse shot, and secondly, its call, which I knew was different and i was able to check it out on an app on my phone. I haven't had an official confirmation from my bird advisors, but I'm taking a chance.
I've invested in a new monster lens. It might have been handy to have it with me for this shot, but as I was walking a fair distance, I didn't want to carry the extra weight just yet.

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