Pink Bicycle Girl

By angelahen

Miss impatient greedy pants

Here is Daphne trying to eat corn through the glass. They had all been hassling me for their afternoon corn and I was just about to give in when I realised Peggy was in laying. If I gave the other 3 the corn I knew they would gobble it all up and she would not get a look in. So, I decided to give them a small handful to keep them quiet and the rest when Peggy emerged. All 3 seemed happy and I continued to potter about with Tallulah as my shadow.

I turned round and there was Daphne on the wall trying to eat the corn. getting bored with this she took a mouthful of my scented viola...emmm thought one of them had been munching that. Its up high for a very good reason.

I soon shooed her off. Thankfully Peggy appeared all pleased with herself running down the garden announcing to the world that she had laid an egg. She and all the others were rewarded with handfuls of corn which they munched in the afternoon sun.

What a glorious afternoon!!

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