Sailor Girl

I took very few pictures today, but close to midnight, my sweet Laura Earle saved the day by doing her impression of Popeye The Sailor for a split second as I scrambled for a blippable shot.

Searching for a sample of Popeye's theme song, I was surprised to find this one with a full set of lyrics. The shorter versions of it match my memory better.

Popeye was already very old fare on TV when I was a child. My Mom would get me to eat my spinach by telling me how I would become strong, just like Popeye, by eating all of the stuff that she put on my plate.

The cartoon character Popeye first appeared when my mom was four years old and had his last adventure the year I was born. Wiki states that between 1931 & 1936, spinach sales in the US rose 33% due to Popeye's popularity.

I will find Laura Earle some spinach-fortified cat food straight away.

I'm Popeye the Sailor Man,
I'm Popeye the Sailor Man.
I'm strong to the finich
Cause I eats me spinach.
I'm Popeye the Sailor Man.

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