Test Run

After weeks of tooling around with my boat I finally went for a cruise out on the bay. The weather was pristine for powerboating, a very light breeze. No so good for sail boats but then, who cares.

I was mainly wanting to see how the boat ran after several months in the backyard. It ran beautifully. I even stopped at a secret fishing spot of mine and wet a line. Nothing was caught but then this wasn't really a serious fishing trip.

My trip took me around the back of Green Island which is about 6 km out in the middle of the bay. Familiar territory for me, as is a lot of the bay within an hours cruising time out of Manly Harbour.

Having just updated and checked all the safety gear on board I was kind of pleased when the water police came along to do a random safety check on my boat. It has been years since I was checked. They did caution me that my anchor light would be illegal if it was after dark. It needed to be a lot longer so that it is more visible. I bought a new one this arvo and fitted it this evening. Anyway, the police were very pleasant and went went off on their way in their big police boat with not two but three 300hp motors on the back. That boat would fly!

So after more than a year of not fishing seriously, pretty much since the Queensland floods, I am now ready to rediscover my love of fishing, boating and the bay.

It is raining quite heavily tonight so I think I might give boating a miss in the morning. The forecast is not good anyway.

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