
By PrimeMart

Extreme Gate Vaulting

Vaulting over a standard 5 bar gate does not present enough of a challenge, so to make it more extreme, one can wrap barbed wire in a spiral fashion around the top bar.

This makes precise hand position crucial. Only the very brave attempt to headspring on and over!

The barbed wire has the additional benefit of preventing the horses chomping their way through the gate! and it did have some 'interesting' patterns of shadow being cast on it.

Many, many,many thanks for all the lovely, kind comments yesterday. To say I was overwhelmed in a understatement of gigantic (oxymoron alert meter is starting to beep) proportions. I must apologise if I have not yet thanked you individually, but please be assured I will be visisting your journals soon.

Here we go on the next 365!

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