seriouser and seriouser

We might have witnessed our first proper meltdown-tantrum today. I'd been thinking that his increasingly-frequent screwed-up-face-WAAAAAGHs in response to being prevented from destroying things or eating every snack in the tin seemed quite mild and short-lived, but today he spent about half an hour wailing constantly, reaching out for things to immediately "NOO" them back away when presented with them, not being able to settle on a preferred parent and not wanting to support his own weight, seeming to want to lie on his front and arch his back, which made it look more like constipation or wind than a strop (though I also wondered if it was either annoyance at being woken up prior to tea (after having a wee nap in the morning then not going to sleep after lunch) or even not being properly awake yet and having a nightmare, though he was speaking and responding to some external stimuli) though every now and then he'd waggle his feet as if he was trying to drum them on the floor. Hopefully not waking him up again will prevent a direct re-occurrence but there's the risk that he'd have slept until midnight then woken up for the day.

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