an itching in my thumbs

By itchythumbs


writing cards this afternoon/evening. post-st. paddy's day productivity was actually in full swing, somehow.

woke up on leah and brian's couch feeling well-rested and ready to go. always nice to just sit around and talk with them - doesn't get to happen as much as we'd all like so spring break has been welcome in that respect, for sure. (for those of you who are familiar with notting hill i am reminded of hugh grant on the couch at his best friend's & his best friend's wife's house that one morning; i know you all know what i'm talking about.....right?)

brunch at cafe brazil (which was well caught by brian) and then errands at CM before home. ending spring break the way we started it last sunday, it seems (funny how that works).

time seems to be moving like complete and utter molasses these past couple days and will no doubt continue in that direction for the next few. so funny how time seems to pass lightning fast sometimes and in slow motion at others.


severe storms tomorrow are predicted, we will see if they come to anything. i love that weather this time of year - there is something glorious about the rush of adrenaline it brings; the need to be close to other people.

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