A line allows progress.

By acircledoesnot

Effective Editing.

This weekend has been interesting. I've had such a good time at school, getting to know this new place and the new people I've been surrounded with. I love it here so much; I finally feel like I'm away at college, doing it right this time.

I don't know how to write this, exactly, or why I am, but I was broken up with earlier this week. There is far more to the story and I wouldn't dare absolve myself of responsibility for the dissolution of that relationship, but the aftermath of this has been frustrating, unpleasant and stressful, but also, a sort of rapid way to grow closer with new friends. A mixed blessing or a disguised one, I suppose.

I'm looking forward to the rest of this year with such a good attitude and I can't wait to see what unfolds. That being said, I need to go do some Adolescent Psych reading I've been putting off for about 12 hours.

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