Occasionally Focused

By tsuken

Don't Wanna...

... blip this. Srsly, don't wanna, but ain't got nuffin else.

I had a rather mobile day today: down the hill stead of up this morning, for a meeting at Nepean Hospital, then to another meeting in the main bit of Pemriff, then back to Nepean Hospital (a longer walk than I had thought, and rather hot), then trains back up, and another hot fast walk to the unit for some reviews before the end of the day. In-between the train and the unit I stopped to reprise this distant hillside with my new lens. Unfortunately, the day was a bit crap by comparison, and the distant landscape was very washed out, pale, and indistinct - and that's apparent in the photo, despite an overlay layer over those parts.

Ah well, I got nothing else, so I guess it'll do.

Larger, for what it's worth.

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