means a whole day travelling to Weser Upland, Germany.
Looking out of the train in every polder one sees in The Netherlands a couple of swans, closely together.
At the railway station of The Hague Central I had a strange experience. Piet Hein and I took an earlier lighttrain to see there Mischa's photos (they probably will hang there till autumn) and I wanted to take anew a picture that I had made monday at the platform that I had liked a lot. It showed a big roof window construction and had a view upon the modern glass building. To my surprise I could not discover where I had taken it. Not at all!!! I saw the glass building but nowhere to find the roof window. It was gone! Now is it true that there are a lot of changes all the time for months going on, but this was so strange.
However, our travel went well and in Osnabrück we again visited the church in the centre and Piet Hein lighted a candle and I took photos. A detail of the stained glass window is seen here.
Coming out of the last train the quietness of the place made an overwhelming impression, the singing of the birds almost the only sound.

My haiku:

The fields show their green
New little blades remembered
The light spring feeling

And the proverb perhaps not really apt to the picture, but too tired to look further:

Whose house is of glass must not throw stones at another's.

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