Busy Busy

Arrived at my parents house this morning just as the transpot arived to collect Dad for one of his hospital day visits (he goes twice a week).

The ambulance driver is somebody I used to work with ........ so laid back he is almost horizontal. He was saying that for 5+ years before he retired he started changing his social circle so that he was not living the police 24 hours a day (it used to be the average life expectancy after retirement was only 7 years because after living on stress and adrenaline for 30 years the body couldn't take it when all that stopped). Nowadays he says he has the easiest job in the world and gets to see lots of interesting people.

After Dad had gone I went out to take a couple of pictures of the crocosmia in the back garden ................ it is such a wonderful, bright colour.

As I walked back to the house I saw this wonderful bee taking a rest on the chair. I couldn't resist ruining his teabreak.

This evening I had a craft assocciation meeting.
Just as well I remembered to go .............. I had forgotten that I have a craft show next month (better get on with making the platters).

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