Dogs Days


The things you find in my garden.

Another beautiful day! I had a great time today. My Humans put my bed outside in the sunshine and whilst they were gardening and the Labradors were running about I just sat about in the sun. That was until I saw Dan the delinquent trying to sneak into my house. I know that labradors aren't the brightest but the cheek of it. I had a race at him caught him by the lip and that soon made him change his mind.

I was just heading off back to sleep again when Tikka decided she would have a look in my kitchen so I had to tell her off. The labradors are outside dogs and they don't get in my house. Honestly! Almost the weekend, hope the weather stays like this as the Humans were talking about having a BBQ, I love it when they BBQ.
Luv Ginnie Xx.

Ps. The blip for today is this really amusing tree face. My Humans have loads of interesting things in my garden. Remember the fairy doors (18th Feb).

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