
By JanBee

Magical Helleborus

The genus name, Helleborus comes from the Greek elein, meaning "to injure" and bora, meaning "food" alluding to the plant's poisonous nature.

Melampodium, an old name for Hellebore, refers to the ancient physician Melampus who used Hellebore to cure the daughters of the king of Argos of the madness of the maenads.

According to some sources, Hellebore was an ingredient in the legendary "flying ointment" and it has long association with witches and witchcraft.

Hellebore is associated with Mars and Saturn and corresponds to the element water. It is used in magic for healing of mental/emotional afflictions and for banishing and exorcisms. It has been used also for increasing intelligence and for protection and invisibility spells. Apparently the plant was dried and powdered and scattered around the person to be made invisible.

Its use is not advised by anyone today. For magical purposes, roses can be substituted for hellebore.

info courtesy of Witchipedia

So now you know ....

... now where can I get some flying ointment?

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