
By Bellasmama

Vacation time

There is nothing like vacation. Making sure all the laundry is done and put away, even the clothes you aren't bringing with you. Making sure the dogs are well taken care of, enough dog food and treats, walks scheduled, everything written out and planned for, vet numbers and emergency plans.

Then the packing starts, even though I always say I will get it done ahead of time, it waits until the day before. Luckily I only have to pack for myself and the kids. My husband packs himself.

Then the day of the journey, getting up early, make sure there is enough to entertain on the flight and that there is food. Much easier now that the girls are older. Since we are not far from the airport that makes it nice, doesn't add much to the travel time.

But, it is all worth it once we are here. We do have water in Minnesota, but there is nothing like an ocean. And we are very fortunate to be able to travel to one. This year it wasn't as dramatic traveling south since our lawn was green and not covered in snow. But it is nice to get away.

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