Structure 3 - Moritz Von Oswald Trio

A full day today with time in between my classes spent helping some of the dancers get work wrapped up for an impending deadline.

I did manage to get out in the fresh air for twenty minutes or so though. Although I did only get photos of the gasometer and some swans.

Here's today's track from Moritz Von Oswald's latest project (He was half of both Maurizio and Basic Channel for any techno fans out there). Why structure 3? Well it's a bit more upbeat than structure 1 and I think this might be the third time I've blipped the gasometer.

While I'm on the subject, for any techno fans in Scotland, another of his recent projects was a re-working of pieces by Ravel and Mussorgsky which he did along with Carl Craig. Which brings me to the fact that I just got tickets for Carl Craig presents 69 live at the Sub Club!!! Can't wait!

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