
By LeeAnne

Edinburgh Castle...

I went for a wander after work tonight, such a lovely night, apparently it's not set to continue though, from 16 degrees to 8 on Monday?! Still, as long as it's nice down south when I get there, I'll be happy! If I get there that is... apparently there's a whole lot of panic buying on fuel at the moment. A friend went to Asda tonight to fill up cause she was running on fumes and she said the queue was a mile long. What is that all about? I have no idea how much fuel is in my car but there better be enough for me to get down south next week... I'm not so fussed on getting back right enough!

In other news I bought a skirt on the way home tonight, I'm not convinced about the whole trouser thing for the wedding so I impulse bought a lovely navy skirt. I'm going to go try the whole lot on and see what I think. It seems a shame to hide those lovely shoes under trousers.

My car is costing me even more money, well it's costing Bank of Mum at the moment and my national debt is growing by the minute! Still... at least my Dad is cheap on the labour front cause I reckon he's probably saved me double what I'm paying out! Road tax today too... it never ends!!

Mum was at the hospital today and the muppet in charge of the x-ray machine wouldn't do it with the brace on so when she took it off her shoulder popped out again... which part of a plastic brace would harm an x-ray machine? Gimp! Sometimes I wish people had some actual common sense. Hopefully she'll get to see the right surgeon next week and he'll fix her properly.

Am so ready for the weekend, there is wine to be consumed! Although it has to be said that it was nice to come home tonight and not have dishes to do before dinner was a possibility! Note to self: wash up more often!! *grins*

Woohoo for Friday!

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