'Eyes Like Stars'

By ZombieButterfly


Challenge 30

The penultimate challenge!

So, this isn't just any wood pigeon. It's not even and M&S wood pigeon.

This wood pigeon has been around this house for around three years as far as we know. We know it's the same one because of that lump on the top of his head. Around this time two (or maybe three?) years ago, before I had even moved in here, Nick had been telling me that a pair of wood pigeons had started nesting in the tree out the front (the one I take the photos of the goldfinches on) and from then while I was down here visiting we would keep watching and waiting.

We were sat out the front with his friend and while they discussed geeky topics I was looking up. And I saw a little baby. Then another one.

Sadly neither survived as the nest was precariously placed and wasn;t quite big enough to house teo growing babies and the parents =( Nick tried to keep one baby safe but there's very little he could do.

Sad story but I'm glad he's trying to get lucky with the ladies again. He wasn't successful this morning but I hope he raises a couple of babies this year. It was nice to see him again. Nick beamed when I showed the photo to him!

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