The Orient Express

By koko

Duck or Duck

Had a wonderful day out today doing a bird handling experience, getting hands on experience flying different species including a little owl called bruno, and an English and American Kerstral, a Harris Hawk which i'm going to come back and several other owls and this one captured a Ferruginous Hawk called ferris. Native to North American.
We also got to walk around several others birds, over 79 in total,including a male and female duck sitting on a nest right next to the flying arena, the handler had been explaining that on one outing with the birds the ducks had been spotted, but thankfully nothing happenend.... famous last words from the corner of my eye I noticed both ducks flying about ten foot above the arena, just as the harris hawk spotted them too, all hell broke loose as the handler would have put Colin Jackson to shame hurdling a four foot fence to get to the duck pond and rescue Mrs Duck from the claws of the hawk.

Luckily a major duck disaster was aborted and alls well that ends well.

Andy was the name of the handler, he had been interested in birds from being a small boy, had worked as a volunteer at the centre for 17 years and eventually got his dream job..My dream job also.

Great day.

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