Kiss me again - Dinosaur

Well, it's the last day of Music MArch and the first day of my Easter Holiday.

A very relaxing day it was too. I started off with a long lie then got up and had a couple of sausage sandwiches for brekkie. After that the postman arrived with an order from discogs then, since Maddy was off into town with a pal, we headed into the spa for a bit.

When we got back we had a bit of late lunch before having a session on th edecks with new tunes then settled down for home made pizza and some telly.

About the most strenuous thing I did today was trawl the internet for cheap deals on proper leather soled brogues. I didn't have much joy though £225 was the best deal I found for good ones. I suppose they would last a lifetime and come with shoe trees and shoe horns, but it's still more than I ever pictured myself spending on shoes.

So I'll finish up this month's Music March with a record which arrived today, enjoy, it's 12 minutes and 42 seconds of magic from Arthur Russell.

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