In The Occupied Territory

By FinHall

I is for I

...Nudging her quickly I set off, in what only can be described as "running Hell for leather" , leaping over the wall in a way that I never realised I was capable of, and checking to see that my running mate was still with me, headed for the building, which hopefully will be our place of safety. Our veritable sanctuary from God knows what appears to be stalking, or hopefully not, even hunting us. Our refuge from the this ordeal that we are suffering.
The ground beneath our feet was muddy, indeed like a quagmire. Glutinous and sticky, causing us, more than once to stumble, almost falling on our faces. But the need to reach this safe haven spurred us on. Onwards, onwards. With sweat pouring down our faces. Our hair fast becoming matted and lying flat on our heads.
I, being the younger and the fastest, reached the door first but found it locked, and the nearest windows were also tightly shut, showing no signs of even having an opening mechanism within them.
I put my shoulder to the door and gave it i shove, to no avail. Just I was summoning up my strength to attack it with even more vigour, Petra had caught up with caught up with me, and, in the darkness, not seeing that she had made such progress, coupled with her fear and speed, was unable to bring herself to a gradual halt, but had collided with me, and screaming, but not so loud as to perpetrate the mist that was beginning to descend, sent the pair of us crashing through the door, which appeared only to have been jammed, not locked, perhaps through years of not being used, and landing on a heap and skidding across the floor a bit, eventually coming to a halt some distance within this dark place.
Panting and out of breath, stayed still and prone on the floor, our limbs almost entangled for some what seemed like forever, but was more than likely just a few moments. Eventually I raised my quivering head to try and get my bearings in the gloom only to be faced with a solitary, large eye staring right at me.

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