the edges of my life

By raej


Hey Jude lyrics
Songwriters: Mccartney, Paul; Lennon, John
And anytime you feel the pain, hey Jude, refrain
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders
For well you know that it's a fool who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder
Na na na, na na, na na na na

A reminder for me watching people today and skyping friends that trying to go life alone is a tough gig

PS am in a bar in the old quarter - my table almost on the street - its a time I love in Hanoi when the street cleaners walk along at dusk ringing a bell so shopowners can run out and dump their rubbish - they also collect all the rubbish from the roads so whilst I think it's a magical time my friends disagree as it can be a tad smelly

Meanwhile there are chickens around my feet and this is the middle of a crazy city!!!!! This has happened here before - the owner will come along soon, scoop the two girls together, the rooster hops on top of the girl chooks and off they go

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