BethaBlip 63...

This is my monthly track of my children as they grow to see how they change as time goes by. I take the same photo in the same place each 1st and 15th of each month along with a wee diary of what has happened and how life has progressed for each of them. Bethany on the 1st and Ewan on the 15th. It is quite remarkable and is accentuated by the 1 year ago thumbnail down in the bottom right.

This month, I had a wee few days with the kids myself this week. Mrs TFP was away helping her aunt move house so I was taking to school, picking up, the whole shebang. It was a lot of fun and it let me get Bethany more into riding her bike to school. I've been giving her a loan of my lock to keep her bike in the school shed.

Bethany has been doing a 30 Day drawing challenge with me. We've not managed, more my fault, to do it consecutively, but it's still ongoing. She's been coming up with some brilliant takes on the theme including wanting to do Repunzel for all of them before the theme of favourite fairy tale came up.

Oh, we re-decorated Bethany's room this month. It's all in the colour of Fairy Dust pink and she got a new big girl bed. It's a proper adult single bed so should do her until she's a lot older. We had the walls plastered and re-painted it all. She was sleeping on her brother's floor for the two weeks or so that we were doing it.

You can check out the rest of this series and see her progress by entering the words tagged BethaBlip into the Blip Search facility.

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