Life with The Pinks

By suzypink


We've been out in the sunshine today, making the most of the spring while it is here.
This morning I took the mini pinks to church. It is Palm Sunday today, so Master Pink made shakey palm trees in sunday school for him and his sister to wave in church when they went into the service. In Whizz Kids we made palm leaf wreaths and put the rest of the Easter story in pictures on it. The children's groups went into the serivce for communion and to join in with the last hymn, which gave us a chance to wave our palm leaves about and do some Hosanna' ing!

I think the sunshine and the start of the Easter holidays has got into the all the children in church today as they were all full of beans. Which was fab....just beany!

I decided that we'd burn some "beans" off by walking home from church. It was a beautiful sunny day, and the mini pinks were fabulous company. We took our time walking home and enjoyed the scenery, the spring flowers and the ladybirds. Miss Pink found grape hyacinths, and a feather to carry home. Master Pink spent the walk home shredding leaves and flowers, and pretending he was planting seeds.

After lunch we went out to Dedham to feed the ducks, and had an ice cream, and walked around the village in the sunshine. Mr Pink took the mini pinks off to the park and I headed home as I wanted to get a bit of gardening done.

Potatoes, onions, garlic and early nantes carrots in, weeds out, and with the other pinks home we sat down for pizza and cars 2 DVD.

A good sunday.

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