investigations of a dag

By kasty

didn't see that coming

Dad, Jackie and wee god dotter Nat spontaneously drop by.

Dad opts for a charity shop rummage (it's genetic and he's the 100% proof source) while we check out every play parks in the meadows with Nat. She's braver with each trip and climbs higher and further then before. It's lovely to see. She rattles around at break neck speed with her "baby" in it's buggy, with only one hot teary tumble when mounting a curb. Otherwise a really joyous time with her. Just lovely.

We head back to meet Dad but he doesn't show, so I call him. Eventually he picks up and is moaning in pain. I run over to find him stuck in the car having done his back in. He's having spasms and it's all pretty harrowing to be honest. I help him out the car to stretch a bit and a miraculous heat pack that just happened to be glove box helps enough for us to drive back to my place where we can get painkillers, more heat and phone NHS 24.

After a contorted lie down it starts to ease off and he starts to laugh it off. We make arrangements for Jackie to drive back to Glasgow and head to a hospital. By the time a doctor sees him It's all eased off so he's discharged with some super painkillers to rest up.

I talked to him today and he's on the mend but I was left feeling a little rattled. Friend G came round and calmed me down with a pint and therapeutic applications of coen brothers. It worked, I calmed down enough to want to talk like jennifer jason leigh in Hudsucker proxy, instead of the unsteady wimp I was earlier.

A very oscillating day, bouncing along between pain and joy, but all was well in the end.

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