WIN WIN I wish

So this is a day I have been holding off writing about for a while...This was roller coaster day. This was the last day of uni and law school - EVER I had mediation in the morning then Environment in the after noon which was a Question time session with Sir Crispin Agnew - post class we all went over to Assmbly for final drinks of the week.

A few guys were leaving to head to their regular pub quiz at the Chanter and invited Rachel me and Emma along, but we were told that we were not allowed to be on their team, we had to make our own as they play every week, Alistair arrived later and joined with us. WE ROCKED AND WE WON! Beginners luck maybe - left the pub with Emma, both headed to Waverley, I had plenty of tim for my train, but she was worried that she didn't so we hailed a cab,

Here's me with my share of the winings...moments later we got out of the cab, and I unwittingly left my phone on the back seat...clearly too excited taking snaps paying for the cab and fubmling with my train ticket at the same time!

I noticed within 2 mins of getting out of the taxi, that I didn't have it and went back to the taxi rank but the driver had gone :-( the battery was also dead so I couldn't ring it. By the time I got home I'd made peace with losing my phone, this is the second time this has happened in 6 months. And I do have insurnace. Shouldn't take long to get my phone back, I was able to use find my phone to wipe the handset, and thanks to iCloud I will be able to get my missing days back for blip when I sync my replacement phone! YAY

So it was a day of winning and losing, but I'm still smiling, just frustrated at a lack of phone numbers and what's app lol x

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