Live it loud!

By Lostpixel

Road to hell...

Not so busy this morning, but this is the M6 between Jn2 and Jn1. Not the greatest blip but the only one there's going to be today. Didn't get chance to go out at lunch, not until it was stair-rodding it down anyway.

The sun was proving very illusive here with just a few rays peeking out between the clouds.

Am thankful that I'm not on the motorways at peak times anymore. Too many years spent doing that. At least one can choose to stop on the back roads. This shot actually looks like the middle of the day considering the traffic levels. It's normally running at 50mph at best across all 3 lanes, especially northbound. Must be a combination of school holidays and fewer people travelling on business. I feel for all those braving the race-tracks and car-parks that are are our major transport arteries each day.

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