The Occasional Blipper...

By st3f

...that's nearly an armful.

Those of you that follow me know that I've been off to India and may be wondering why there has not been an immense amount of backblipping now that I am back. I post the following as part explanation, part excuse as to why that hasn't happened. Oh, and don't worry, it's nothing too serious.

Most Europeans that go to India will end up sick at some point during their stay. My experience started at Heathrow airport, waiting to fly out. What I mistakenly thought was an adverse initial reaction to the anti-malaria drugs turned out to be a kidney stone making itself known.

It's been a very well behaved kidney stone. I got about an hour of a half of pain at the airport on the way out then next to nothing until the flight home; leaving me to enjoy India (backblips to come) without worrying about my health.

The trip home from the airport was a little painful. A quick visit to A&E turned rather rapidly into a hospital admission. Now discharged, back at work and with a date to get the stone broken up with high intensity sound waves on the 16th. I'm hoping to get a blip out of it. :o)

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