an itching in my thumbs

By itchythumbs

that's my brian

some things just don't need words. one of those things is brian.


perfect day: really. slow morning after a good sleep, met the coworkers at the botanic gardens, gave an impromptu tour of the outside of BRIT and with some impeccable timing managed to run into sam so they got to see the inside of the herbarium even though the building was technically closed for good friday.

afterwards, butterflies in the garden, then off to the food truck park for a delicious late lunch. everywhere by bike today and better for it.


as i roll up to the house, o'brien is all set up outside on the porch listening to opening day for baseball and one of the first things he says is that leah and brian are headed over shortly.

after: several hours of porch beers and hanging out. hard to think of any reason i'd ever leave this place.

now: headed over to the family's house for a little easter fun, back late tonight. for those of you who missed it, many people had the day off for good friday: myself included.

happy weekend to you all! may it only get better from here.

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