Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

April Challenge #8 inside your wallet

I have a silly amount of cards in my purse and usually no cash!
Have cash today as went to cash point on way home from mother in laws as we have to pay friends back for bowling yesterday.

Shame we didn't do bowling tomorrow could have used it for "younger you" blip

Inside my wallet, debit card, credit card (not used much) driving licence, RAC card (not needed to use it yet), boots card, vet's card, loyalty card for cupcake shop (only just got it! if you buy 10 cakes you get a box of 4 for free!) and the two most important cards:

Blood donor card
Organ donor card

My friend Cath's little girl has Cystic fibrosis so at some point in her life she will need a transplant.

My friend Gill lost her mum a few years back whilst she was waiting for a kidney transplant.

And finally my friend Kate's husband is a hemophilliac and needs bllod products unfortunatley because of a number of Tainted Blood transfusions as a child he has hepatitis C and subsequent ;liver damage so at some point in time will need a liver transplant.

This is why I have both these cards. Am going to give blood on Tuesday provided my veins and blood flow co operate it wasn't a success last time I went!

I'm off to eat my easter eggs now!!

Happy Easter all

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