Easter Visitors

This is Mum and her friend Mark, who have been together for about seven years now after both their respective partners died.

Mark was head of dentistry at Sydney University for many years and any dentist over 40 remembers him fondly. He used to be called on to operate on the big animals at the zoo, and, as a thank you, when one of the old elephants died, they presented him with the head (it's teeth being rather remarkable, you see). The problem was, with such a large object, how to remove the flesh without terrifying everyone. Mark came up with the idea of lowering the head into Sydney Harbour and the fish did the work for him. A month later, it was brought up, shiny and clean and I understand the skull with it's splendid tusks is still on display at the Uni.

What about Mum? Well, she's just a treasure xx

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