Heavenly Blue Lithodora

Having a quiet Monday after a very busy weekend. Yesterday's family dinner was very successful, and it was nice to have K here too, to celebrate her promotion.

Lots of food, the wine flowed, and the chat was good. A left after dinner to play 'five a sides' but the rest of us played E's game Scottish Destination, which is becoming a bit of a tradition in our family! And I won!!!

Thanks to C for a super pud, too. Also for the beautiful plant that she brought which I have photographed here, it is actually for out of doors, but is so beautiful I have it on the dining table just now, although I am sure the Head Gardener will nick it shortly. And it is in a lovely ceramic pot too!!!

Beautiful day today, but I am feeling quite lethargic and have just been pottering, even watched a bit of 'Ben Hur' on television, how sad is that?

Must go and hang up some washing now!!!! So not totally lazy!!!! :-)

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