Made in China

By ChickyBabe

Let's sprinkle water on the roads!

Saw this guy sprinkling water on the road on the way to the school. I had my carema in my bag and I was running late. But when I saw this, I thought, " damn it, I have to get a picture of this!" The sprinker was moving too fast for me to get a picture so I jumped right in front of it and started to click. The helper was trying to get me out of the way, but I was acting dumb. It was really dangerous that I was standing right in the middle of the road, all the cars were going pass me and some drivers swore at me I think. But I didn't care, I just wanted my picture. Felt a bit crazy then.
Anyway, I nearly got what I wanted. But this one is not the best.
We had a school dinner. This was the school where I teach in. I really didn't care about anything. I just ate, ate and ate. It was fun to watch those people do crazy stuff though.

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