Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

... Magical!

Every day, it seems that more little American Goldfinches (carduelis tristis) show up in our yard- a magical sight as the males turn into these amazing little bits of yellow! In theory, goldfinches are year-round birds in NJ, but I think we may be at the outer band of their seasonal migration, because the most I ever saw at any time over the winter was one or two. Now, I see at least a dozen or so flitting around the deck and the shrubs outside my windows.

This was was taken on the fly, from my desk, looking through the window. It pays to have Big Daddy with me at all times!

I posted another shot of the goldfinch HERE and one of the adorable chickadees HERE in my Blipfolio - if you'd care to have a look.

Today has been busy. We were off to the hospital early - it was time for the much-dreaded colonoscopy for hubs, a rite of passage at a certain age. The lead-up is far worse than the actual procedure. There was a lot of whining yesterday, as you might imagine. We were back home by 11 and I got the "patient" settled in for a post anesthesia nap. So, no time to faff around today!

Thanks for your kind words about my silly fluoro caper - I assure you that most of my falls and stumbles result in nothing other than a bruised ego and this one was no different. Only rarely do I really take a serious tumble - on the worst last year when I fell and dropped my D90 and had to have it sent to Nikon for repairs. Horrors! That was the catalyst for getting a second Nikon body, though, which has ended up being a good thing. See, silver linings...

And thank you for sending yesterday's little lady bug to the Spotlight Page! Makes having laid on the ground on my belly to get the shot feel very worthwhile!

Hope you're all having a Happy Tuesday! I will catch up with your journals tonight, hopefully...

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