Double Trouble

By HannahSpanner

April challenge #11 where you ate breakfast

Thanks everyone yesterday for your concern. No falling down stairs today yay.
Although there is still plenty of time left for it to happen. I promise I'll be careful.

My breakfast table five days a week - my desk
As I get up soooo early to go to work the thought of food at about 6 in the morning tends to make me feel a bit sick.

So I normally grab some ceral or a yoghurt at my desk. A very bad habit I know but almost everyone in my office does the same thing.

Quite day in work busy day else where, printing off pics for me and Mr L and for a bday prezzie for my bestie!
Running round like a crazy woman at home but getting no where fast - so much to do so little time!!!!

Got to pop to mum's tomorrow to try and borrow a dress off my cousin for wedding party on saturday and drop of prezzie for bestie.

It's going to be a long one, better get some rest

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