The Lighted Life

By Giacomo

Walk This Way

I swear I lost my mind today after another turbulent day on the business front. So, on the way home, I diverted for a few minutes into the woods. I met a gnome and told him what I was looking for. He raised his stubby arm and pointed to an avenue of pines and said...."walk this way!" And walk I did for about an hour. At the end of the trail, my mind was back in its rightful place.

Sorry to post and run but that is where my life is right now. It is only business stuff...not family or health. I am thankful for that. These days shall pass and stronger I shall emerge. The sad thing is I have no time to see your great images, read your great words or post comments. I am not happy about it but it is what needs to be done. I will be back.

Try this in BIG

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